Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Busy, busy...

I am really behind in the posting. Last week I spent trying to clean house and we had my niece's rehearsal on Friday evening. The kids and grandkids all came in on Friday night and then we had a wedding on Saturday. Britni and the grandkids are staying this week so if I don't do a lot of posting it is because I am playing!! Here are a few pics. Chandler always runs off and won't let me take his picture. Stinker!!
Rainey likes to rub her head and cheeks while taking her bottle!!


Nonnas News said...

How cute!! I cant believe she and Avery are 5 months old today!!! It wont be long and we will be celebrating their first birthdays!
Have fun with Chandler and Rainey this week! I know you will get plenty of pictures. I'll be getting my son married this weekend, so its a busy one for us!

Kim said...

How precious....I was so glad to get to see Miss Rainey at church Sunday. She is a little doll!!


Kim said...

I want pictures....I want pictures....I want pictures!

:-) hugs,

Nonnas News said...

you've been tagged! visit my blog to get details.