Thursday, February 7, 2008

Sugar withdrawals...

Yes- I am headed to see the grandkids and daughters and son-in-law and soon to be son-in law. Britni called to tell me that Rainey is rolling over. She rolled from her back to her front so I can't wait to see her changes. Chandler says I have to stay 2 days because he has 2 places where he wants us to go eat!! I'll be back with new info and new pics!! Later...


Nonnas News said...

have fun!! Mike and I are heading to Nacogdoches for the day Sunday. He hasnt seen Avery since Christmas and its been 3 weeks for me. Way too long!!!! Ashley said Avery can almost sit up on her own and has gotten big! I cant wait to get another sugar fix myself!! Travel safely!!

You have another award to pick up!!

Nonnas News said...

have fun!! Mike and I are heading to Nacogdoches for the day Sunday. He hasnt seen Avery since Christmas and its been 3 weeks for me. Way too long!!!! Ashley said Avery can almost sit up on her own and has gotten big! I cant wait to get another sugar fix myself!! Travel safely!!

You have another award to pick up!!

AMY said...

I hope you are having a great time with the kids. How cute that Chandler knows he gets to go to his favorite places to eat when you are visiting. Those are special memories for him...and you.

Kim said...

Get lots of sugars. Tell everyone I said HI.

By the way MISSY, I read your comment on Amy's blog about Paul having to put up with me. Your busted....hehehe...have fun and be careful.
