Saturday, February 2, 2008


Stop the presses...check your agendas...we've had to change the wedding date!!! Although stressful on me it is for a good reason. The new wedding date is May 3, 2008. Orginally scheduled for June 28th, this will definitely cut down on my preparation time but, Kylie has applied for ut Houston Nursing School and recieved an interview which is a good thing!!!

The interview is for the fast track program which is a year of intensive study/training, etc. So - should she get into the fast track program, it will start May 21 and once they get started she would not have time for a wedding. They go nonstop for a year- thus the name Fast Track program!! Anyway...please put Kylie on your prayer list. Her interview is Wednesday, February 6 at noon!!


Nonnas News said...

Thank goodness you have Linda and Jan!! I couldnt have done Ashley's without them!!

Have fun with all the planning!!

Kim said...

Well....looking at those two... all I can say is you are going to have more beautiful grandchildren in the future....but I shouldn't expect anything less...who am I talking about here....they are YOUR kids....oh yea, I guess Robert gets to take some of the credit!! They are BOTH gorgeous!!!!(steven is one of the most handsome young men i have ever seen.)

Have fun with all the wedding plans.

The wedding is on Mark's birthday...they picked a good day!! :-)
