Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I don't know what to call this post - combo maybe??

I am having to share the computer and I don't like it. Someone in Robert's high school graduating class has orchestrated a website where they do their own blogging type thing and leave messages or chat or whatever. They post pics and such so...as soon as Robert gets home from work he heads for the computer. Nothing gets done around here any more!!! He is either chatting or posting on the site or playing computer poker- not with real money!! And this is cutting into my computer time and I have a lot to post!

Chandler did not want to have his picture taken so we tried to sneak a picture with all three grandkids, Chandler, Rainey and Noah.

My precious grandson had a super birthday party. I think Chandler had a good time. His cake was a Cindy cake!! It was cute with a cowboy hat and boots that really looked like Chandler's boots. Chandler was given lots of nice gifts and all of us- parents and grandparents went together to get him a Wii. I know you are saying- what- he is just 5 years old. Yes- and he loves it. He loves the cow racing game and the boxing and the fishing and golf. It is a pretty fun machine. I actually bought one for Robert and Austin (and me). :) After cake and opening presents it was pretty funny watching all the grownups and Chandler playing the games. I guess I have mellowed quite a bit. It used to really make me nervous when people were coming over. I worried about things getting moved out of place or getting dirty or broken or people not taking care of things like I do, but this weekend it was really fun with everyone there to celebrate a precious 5 year old's birthday.

Dylan and Chandler played Wii together before everyone else got to the party.

Isn't this sweet- Rainey and Uncle Austin.

Girlie girl and her baby doll!

Enough with the partying!!


Kim said...

Looks like you all had a great time at the party....Chandler scored BIG....looks like he had lots of presents....I bet he will never forget his cowboy birthday....

Lisa you tell Robert to get his grubby hands off your computer...hehehe...J/K...I know you need more computer time....I don't like it when I check and you haven't posted. :-)

Have a good one my friend,

Nonnas News said...

Looks like the cowboy party was a huge success!! A wonderful memory for Chandler!
I'm gonna get to meet up with Ashley and Avery Saturday and get some sweet sugars!!