Saturday, January 5, 2008

Turn out the lights, the party's over is back to the grind. The Christmas decorations have been put back in the attic and the children have all gone back home so it is pretty quiet around here. When Chandler started to leave, he said, "Granna, come to my house in 3 days." He is just so precious. I talked to him on the phone earlier this evening. They were about to watch a movie and after he had me guess which one-I guessed about 10-15 and none of them was the one he was going to watch-he finally told me he was watching Balto. Then I told him that I missed him so much and he said, "Granna, do you kiss my lips on my picture when I am not there?" I told him that indeed I do kiss his picture when he is not here. He said, "No, do you kiss my lips on my picture?" Well, of course I do.


Nonnas News said...

Yeah, I think Ashley had a hard time leaving Avery. I cried too, but I didnt tell her that I did. I feel bad that she has to work. I was able to stay home with her and Aaron, and I just cant imagine leaving one. One of Shaun's lifelong friends is going to keep her for them. I dont think Ashley could leave her at a daycare, and it would kill me. Id quit and go down there I think before I let her do that!

Kim said...

Well of course you do precious is that boy and he sure does love his Granna.

AMY said...

I expect to see lipstick stains on all of your pictures. HEHE.