Friday, January 11, 2008

Our sweet baby granddaughter is 3 months old

Rainey is 3 months old today. She is so precious!! She laughs (only for her mommy) and tries so hard to talk. She really works that tongue to make noises. She rolls to her side and then gets distracted by her fist which she tries to put in her mouth. She loves her big brother, Chandler and she likes to watch TV with him and big brother loves that baby sister.


Kim said...

I bet she does love her big brother. She will always look up to him. They are both full of cuteness!!

amelia said...

Where is time going?! You have some CUTE grandkids, but then again they have some gorgeous parents!

Nonnas News said...

It's hard to beleive they are 3 months old already! They are gonna have to meet soon.

I have a surprise for you, so stop by my blog and see!