Sunday, December 9, 2007


We had some very special treasures at our house this weekend. Yes-Chandler and Rainey came to Granna and Grandad's house. Oh yeah-they brought their mommy and daddy too. I had talked to Chandler earlier in the week and asked him if he wanted to ride the train which he did. Every year since he has been born- we have gone to the Screws farm (North Pole of Texas) to ride the train. Chandler was so excited about going.

The Screws family is so nice and this is such a special treat for the little ones. We got hot chocolate while we waited in line. Once we got on the train we rode over the bridge and around the pond. We rode by the live Nativity scene and into the workshop. Santa was in his workshop so Chandler got to talk to him.

Britni, Chuck, Chandler, Rainey, Granna, Grandad, Austin, Aaron and Megan went to ride. As you can see Austin was thrilled to be there and thought he would put a call through to his girlfriend while he was waiting. :)

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