Monday, April 1, 2013

Spring Break - entry #3

On Friday we played around the house and did a few experiments.  First we made "elephant toothpaste".  It involves yeast, hydrogen peroxide, dish soap and food coloring. 
They thought it was pretty cool when the "toothpaste" came oozing up out of the bottle.

Next we did what Chandler called "volcano balloons".  We inflated balloons without helium.  This involved vinegar and soda. 

I put a little too much vinegar and soda in Rainey's first balloon and it blew up so she was quite skiddish after that and wanted Grandad to help her the next time. 


Next Grandad helped Chandler and Rainey in building firetrucks. 

Kinsler finally got to come with his parents.  That night his mommy made him try some peas for dinner. 
He didn't really like them!!!

Another fun day with the grands!!!


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