Saturday, March 24, 2012

Spring Break

During Spring Break we went to visit Robert's mother for a few days.  While we were they I went with Jeanell and Robert's sister, Cheryl to Galveston to a comedy show.  We went to the Grand Opera House to see Jeanne Robertson and Carl Hurley.  They were both so funny.  My brother listens to Carl on the radio and I had heard Jeanne before on the radio and I think she is hilarious!!  Here are a couple pics of the inside of the Opera House.


This is Jeanne Robertson and I. 

We ate lunch at Mario's Italian Seafood.  It was a buffet and the food was very good!!
We had a great time!!

Enjoyed visiting with Robert's family for a few days and then came home to do a little work around the house before going back to work!!

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