Saturday, March 12, 2011

It's finally here!!

This break has been a long time coming!!  Not that I have anything exciting planned but just having that little bit of time to relax and do whatever will be nice!!  I have already been somewhat productive.  I ordered bedroom furniture for Austin's room.  He has never had nice bedroom furniture.  At one time he had a bunk bed which was okay and then he went to a futon which is not the most comfortable thing!!  Then he had an old bed I got from my aunt and uncle when they went to the assisted living place.  Even though we bought new matresses it is still rickety!! Yes - I know he is away at college but I still want some nice furniture in his room for when he comes home to visit!!  Need to shop for a mattress set today.

I then dropped off some things at the Goodwill store and then headed to see my girls.  Both girls' husbands were headed to their moms' for the weekend so it is girls' weekend here.  Britni, Kylie and I will do some shopping today.  Kylie and Steven will me moving this next week to a different place so Britni and I will be helping to pack up the apartment. 

Then I will take the little grands home with me for a few days so their mommy can work on a major project for her grad class.  We have been to visit them but I don't think they have been at our house since Christmas!! 

Austin will be coming in soon.  Can't wait!!  Robert went to visit his mother for a few days.  We will all gather back together at the end of the weekend to get Kylie and Steven moved into their new place. 

I hope you all enjoy your spring break!!

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