Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Happy Birthday, Chandler!!

Our precious grandson, Chandler - celebrated his 8th birthday last week.  It is so hard to believe that we have loved that sweet boy for 8 years!!!  This past weekend we went down to help him celebrate.

  I had bought Chandler some clothes and of course that is no fun so I took him to Target Friday evening and let him pick something fun for his birthday.  He chose Legos!!  He loves Legos.  He and Uncle Steven put them together as soon as we got home.  :)

Aunt KyKy and Grandad

Uncle Trevor and Noah

 Aunt KyKy and Uncle Steven

Grranny, Aaron and Pa

Pa and Chuck

For Chandler's birthday, Chuck and Britni re-did his bedroom.  Chandler really likes camo so they decided on a hunting lodge theme.  It turned out really cute.  Maybe Britni will post pictures on her blog soon.

Granna and Chandler

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