Saturday, February 5, 2011

Funky Junk Interior Challenge

I happened upon a neat blog site if you like antiques, craft, junked turned treasures, etc. called Funky Junk Interiors.  I have entered at challenge on this site that I think might be fun.  I used the basketball/old door night stand that my brother made for me that I posted about here

Let me explain this unique piece of furniture. It is made from an old door and an old basketball rim. I lived on a farm and the basketball goal was hanging above the door of one of the barns. That is where we played basketball since we didn't have the portable goals and such that we have now. Anyway we think my daddy actually made the rim. Some time after he died we were at the farmhouse going through things and I decided that I wanted the goal. I played basketball in high school and my team won the state championship my senior year so I thought I deserved it. :) So my brother worked and got the goal off of the barn. I wanted to make a night stand using the rim for Austin's room. My brother said he could build a post to attach it to. At some point while he was working on the post he found the old door (backboard) and thought it would be a neat addition to the night stand. I added the cork board and the glass top and I think it turned out really neat. A lot of memory behind it and my brother's work is really special.


AMY said...

OH MY! Thanks for sharing that site! I absolutely love it. I know whaat I'll be doing all night now. Your night stand should win. The history of that rim really makes it for me!

The Sometimes Super Mom said...

So neat! I love the funkyjunk blog party. I follow it every week!