Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

He is risen indeed!!

I enjoyed the weekend with the girls and their families! Austin was stuck in Lubbock. Robert and I had doctor appointments on Friday so we went on Thursday evening and spent the night at Britni's. We had dinner with both girls, sons-in-law and grandkids. After the doctor visit we brought the grands home with us. The parentals came Friday evening and spent the night. On Saturday morning Robert told me to come look and this is what I saw. They were just watching cartoons!! Sweet babies!!

Chandler and Rainey got a new puppy. He is pretty cute. He is a Sheltie named Sarge. Yes - it is an Aggie thing.

Kylie and Steve got here on Saturday - a little after lunch. We grilled hamburgers for lunch and then hunted Easter eggs.

We spent some time outside since it was so nice!! Chandler and Rainey (and Olsen) enjoyed a little pool time (water was freezing!!!) and a little . . .

. . . chocolate!! Oh yeah!!

Then Britni and family went to the other granny's house for the night. The rest of us went to eat dinner with my brother and sisters and families. Yes - we went to eat fish again. This time we went to A.J.'s on the lake.

On Sunday morning we went to church and then I tried to take some pics of the grands but Chandler was done with the picture taking as you can tell!!!

Rainey was determined to sit in Chandler's lap. LOL

After lunch Kylie and I sat outside and enjoyed the beautiful weather. All too soon they had to leave and Robert and I were back to the grind today!!

1 comment:

johnson said...

You would put that UGLY picture up on your blog. Can we say "white legs"? Not to mention Chuck and I look so thrilled. I will give you a picture to use!!! Love you!!!