Sunday, March 21, 2010

Fun in the . . .Snow??!!

I didn't realize at the beginning of SpRiNg BrEaK that we would have snow at the end!!! It's just crazy. Second day of Spring and we have flowers and snow on the tree at the same time!!

Oh well . . . our kids and grandkids were here and we still had fun. Austin got home on Thursday and we hung around the house. Chandler and Rainey were here as well. While the weather was nice we played outside and when it cooled off we played inside. Britni and Chuck came in on Friday and took the kids and went out to Chuck's parents for the night. Kylie and Steven came in on Saturday to spend the day visiting Austin. They pulled up in this!!! Oh yeah!!!

Yes I did get the opportunity to cruise town. It is sweet!!!

Saturday evening we all went to the Fish Fry. I know we just went a couple of weeks ago with my brothers and sisters but I think fish is healthy and really good for you - so what if it is fried in heart attack grease!!!

Sweet handsome boys - Chandler and Austin

Sweet Britni and Chuck

Sweet Rainey's favorite part!! And look at Chandler's precious face peeking in at the top corner of the pic. :)

Sweet Kylie and Steven

I do not know what Robert was doing!!

It snowed on us on the way to Paris last night, but since nothing was sticking I didn't expect anything this morning but when I woke up there was more snow!!

About 8 this morning we sent Austin on his way back to school. Such a long, long drive and I sure get nervous. I miss him and want him to come home but I really hate for him to drive all that way by himself and then to send him off this morning with the weather like it was. He did a little damage to his car on his way through Dallas. The car fishtailed and the back end hit the cement guard and damaged the taillight. I figure it also suffered some bumper damage but we haven't seen any pics yet. YIKES!!

Kylie and Steven headed home after lunch at the DQ. Britni, Chuck, Chandler and Rainey left about 3:30 and the house has been incredibly quiet - well - except for the A&M vs. Purdue game going on in the living room!!

Tomorrow it is back to the grind, but I do thank God that I have a job to go to!!


Nonnas News said...

wow what a sweet car!!! I bet you had fun cruising in that!! Glad Austin wasnt hurt, that is the main thing!

AMY said...

Your family is just beautiful! I know you loved having everyone home.