Monday, March 29, 2010

Basic Training bound!!!

My great nephew, Taylor, has enlisted in the Navy and will be headed to Basic Training next week. My sister and her husband (his grandparents), Ann and Hugh, hosted a going away party on Saturday.

We always have a good time together - whatever the occasion.We sat around and snacked and visited - lots of stories going on around the dining table and beyond. Those attending included my sisters - Barbara and Ann,

my daughter and son-in-law, Kylie and Seven,

my brother-in-law, Tim,

my nephew, his wife and son, Murray, Kristie and Dylan,

Pawpaw (Hugh or Uncle Pugh as Chandler calls him),

Robert and I,

and my brother and sister-in-law, Steve and Tina.

Taylor's dad, Wesley was also there but for some reason I did not get a picture of him. :(

Later on we went to our church for dinner. Our youth group was having an enchilada dinner as a fundraiser to raise money for their mission trip this summer. My other great nephew, Dylan, is in the youth group so we thought we would help him out. Robert decided he would hitch a ride to the church in the cool car with Steven.

Afterwards we went back to Ann and Hugh's and watched "Old Dogs". It was pretty funny. We had a great time at the party and hopefully Taylor will carry some good memories with him to basic.

God bless and keep you, Taylor and may He keep a hedge of protection around you always!! We love you so much and will keep you in our prayers!!

In the navy
Yes, you can sail the seven seas
In the navy
Yes, you can put your mind at ease
In the navy
Come on now, people, make a stand
In the navy, in the navy
Can't you see we need a hand
In the navy
Come on, protect the motherland
In the navy
Come on and join your fellow man
In the navy
Come on people, and make a stand
In the navy, in the navy, in the navy (in the navy)

They want you, they want you
They want you as a new recruit

by The Village People

1 comment:

Nonnas News said...

Good luck to your great nephew! May God watch over him and protect him and keep him safe from harm.