Sunday, February 21, 2010

Wreck 'em!!

The weekend of the "great snow", we had already made plans to visit Austin. Robert and I along with Kylie, Steven and Chandler headed west on Friday morning. The roads were wet but traveling was not a problem. By the time we were half way there -there was only the slightest hint that it had snowed!

Even though the kids were not in school because of the snow - Chandler's mommy said that every experience can be educational. We first resisted and told her that we weren't doing school stuff because it was a snow day!! But then we decided to try. We had brought the DVD player since it is a 7 hour drive. Chandler was watching a movie - actually he was starting the 3rd movie and that's when his mommy got on the education kick!! LOL He wanted to hold onto the map and he kept following it along and would occassionally ask where we were and would then tell Grandad the next town we were looking for - even though Grandad had the GPS on, it was more fun to get directions from Chandler. This was the social studies portion of the trip.

I always pack up some snacks/candy for trips. I had brought along some fireballs and Robert and Steven got out some of those. Chandler decided to try one. He made it pretty far before the "physical reactions" got to him. This was the science portion of the trip.

We got there about 3 and had not had lunch yet so we picked up Austin and headed to Freebird's!! If you have not been to Freebird's you need to give it a try!! Freebird's wraps the burritos in foil and then people get extra pieces of the foil and form it into different things - for example- initials, animals, etc. I got a piece of foil for Chandler and he made this airplane or something.

We (most of them unwillingly) took some pictures around campus. I had wanted to find and photograph this hand sculptor with the alphabets that I had seen in pictures.

On the Tech campus there is this huge silver ball. When I took Austin to orientation, I wanted to ring it so badly but I figured Austin would die from embarrassment so I decided Chandler and I would go make some noise. All of these activities took care of the music and art portion of the trip. You know - to satisfy Chandler's school teacher mommy!!

On Saturday we went to eat breakfast in the hotel. I was sitting at the table with Chandler and Robert had gone to fill his plate. I was watching people walk by and saw the A&M basketball coach. Of course Robert didn't believe me. He thinks I don't know anything. Then we saw a few of the basketball players walk by and Robert got up and went out and talked to one of the assistant coaches. We finished breakfast and then we were milling around the lobby when the players and coaches finished their meeting. Coach Turgeon-the head coach noticed Chandler's A&M t-shirt and came over and shook his hand. I didn't have my good camera - just the cell phone but I did get a picture.

Austin was in desperate need of clothing but he never acts like he needs anything. Kylie, Steven, Chandler, Austin and I went to the mall and found Austin some jeans and shoes. While at the mall we made a stop at the pet shop and Chandler wanted to bring this little cutie home.

And then of course a trip wouldn't be complete without eating at my favorite - Raising Cane's Chicken Fingers!!! After lunch we went back to the hotel to get ready for the basketball game. Texas Tech was scheduled to play Texas A&M. Yes - I wore my Tech shirt because it was "all about Austin" weekend! :) We enjoyed the game - Aggies won. Afterwards we went to Double Dave's Pizza. It was soooo good.

On Sunday morning we had an early lunch at Abuelo's and then headed back home. We had a good time but I sure do miss my boy!!!

1 comment:

Nonnas News said...

what a fun and "educational" trip!