Monday, February 1, 2010

Remembering . . .

Sixty-eight years ago today, my parents got married early on a Sunday morning at their pastor's home. And afterwards - they went to church. My daddy was 21 and my mother was 16. Wow!!! I know this is not very clear but this is the original article from the newspaper about their wedding.

This is a picture of my parents sometime after they were married. Aren't they a cute couple!!

They were married, I believe, 3 years before my oldest sister, Ann, was born. A couple of years later they had my next sister, Barbara. For the next 10 years - she was their form of birth control. LOL Once they finally succeed in getting her to sleep in her own bed, they had my brother, Steve; 2 1/2 years later I was born and 2 1/2 years later my younger brother, Jim was born. I loved having lots of brothers and sisters and we have always been a close family. My mother passed away in 1988 - 20 days after Austin was born. At the time of her death, my parents had been married for 46 years. My father passed away in 1999. I was truly blessed to have been raised my Christian parents and to grow up with awesome brothers and sisters.

This picture was taken a couple of years before my mother passed away. Still a cute couple!!

Happy 68th Anniversary, Mother and Daddy!! R.I.P.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a nice post about your parents.

Thank you for sharing.