Saturday, February 6, 2010

It's a dog's life!!

Okay- so it was past due for Olson's visit to the vet. A couple of weeks back I decided that I was going to have to take him myself since his master is away at college and Robert doesn't get home until after the vet is closed and I wanted to get it done before the cold spell hit at the end of that week. We haven't sold Austin's pickup yet - which happened to be a good thing because I was not about to put fido in my Tahoe. The bad thing is Olson is not used to riding in the truck anymore. Austin used to take him a lot when he was younger but since Austin has been away at college Olson and I don't go joy riding so much! The first trick was putting the collar and leash on. He didn't like that so much. Since the demise of Austin's first lab involved his collar I just cannot leave Olson's collar on all the time so he is not used to that either. The jingle of the hook and the rabies tag scared him and Olson tried to bolt immediately!! Luckily I had a good hold on the leash. The next trick was getting Olson into the truck. He didn't want to go. My pockets were filled with treats to coax him along. He wouldn't go until I finally got in myself and he jumped in behind me. He was very nervous and I couldn't reach the door to close it behind him. I knew if I got out on the driver's side- he would follow me. So we both got out. Finally after about 15-20 minutes of coaxing I was about to give up. I tossed a treat in the floorboard of the truck and he jumped in after it. I quickly slammed the door and said "That's what I thought."

He loves to play with Chandler.

Rainey likes to boss him around. She says, "Sit down!!"

We headed to the vet's office and did I tell you that Olson is not used to riding in the truck and that the truck has a stick?? Well, Olson did pretty well. Even though it was cold - he was sweating. I turned on the AC and nearly froze myself to death. We were clicking along pretty well until we got to the 2 lane part of our road and when he noticed cars passing us he got all nervy again. We made it to the vet's without having a wreck. I made sure I had a good hold on the leash before I opened the door because I knew he would knock me over trying to get out. He was very good while at the vet's office. He got a shot and got weighed - 86.7 pounds!! Keep the weight in mind for the remainder of this tale.

He is a rescue dog - even if you don't need to be rescued!!

When we walked out the door of the vet's he had to sniff around and tinkle on everything so I didn't rush him. I wanted him to be calm when it was time to get back in the truck. The 18 wheelers on the highway made him quite nervous. After a while I felt that I had given him enough time and I was afraid if he tinkled any more he would become dehydrated- I really didn't think there was any more fluid left in his body.

Keeping the pool free of critters. Here he is after a frog.

So I open the passenger side door and thought I could coax him in with another treat - but no - he was done with the treats. No amount of coaxing, tugging, tossing treats in the truck was going to work this time. I would try to pick him up but remember he is nearly 87 pounds. I tried just getting the front end into the truck and then working on the back end. He was like a kid who just goes limp and I could not pick him up. I just know Doc Reed was sitting in his office hee hawing!! This went on for about 15 minutes and I was sweating from all the tugging and pushing. I finally gave up and went around to the driver's side and called Robert almost in tears. He was still at school. I told him that Olson would not get in the truck and there was no way I could get him in because he would just slump down to the ground. He was not budging. Yes - I guess I could have gone back in to ask for help - but no - that would be too embarrassing. Yes - I guess it would be more embarrassing than spending 15-20 minutes pushing, pulling - trying to coax that silly dog to get in the truck. Robert needed to get things gathered up and would be on out to help. Then for some unknown reason-maybe I tugged one more time just right-Olson jumped into the driver's side floorboard. And again would not budge!!! Keep in mind - he weighs 87 pounds, I am worn completely out and the truck has a stick!!! Yes I need to be able to reach the clutch and the brake but either I was going to have to reach it over Olson's huge body or I would have to spend the night in the vet's parking lot. I called Robert back, put it on speaker phone because I needed all hands and feet to drive. I told him we were headed home and I hoped we didn't wreck!!! I am not very good with the stick shift even without a huge dog under my feet. We get almost home and then Olson decides he wants to move and I said oh no buddy you are stuck until I stop this truck in the driveway of our house. Through this whole ordeal he looked so dejected - like it is an insult to have to get in the truck and wear a collar but the minute we got home and I let him out of the truck he was back to his old self - so excited and hyped up. I said I am so sorry Olson. I am glad we made it safely home and you were a good boy at the vet's but I am completely worn out and I am going to have to take a shower and go straight to bed!! Gosh - I am worn out just recanting this tale!! I think I'm going to have to go to bed!!


Nonnas News said...

oh my!! I got tuckered out just reading this! LOL

johnson said...

That is HILARIOUS!!! Wish I was there to video this and put it on youtube!!! Love you!!!

AMY said...

Gotta love the DOGS! You cracked me up.