Thursday, January 7, 2010

Last Christmas Party

My brothers and sisters and families get together every year sometime during the holidays but usually after Christmas since our families all seem to go in different directions. They all came to my house on January 2nd. We had lots of good food and laughs. My brother always has several funny stories to tell!!

We had a Chinese gift exchange but we were pretty nice to each other this year - not a lot of stealing going on. :)

Chandler played video games and . . .

Rainey pretty well bossed my great-nephew, Dylan around most of the day and . . .

the big guys had a serious Connect 4 tournament going on.

We had a cookie bake-off this year.

There were some good entries but everybody can't win. My sister-in-law, Tina won "family favorite",

which Rainey thought was pretty good.

My sister, Ann won best creative presentation,

and my brother, Steve won best shape,

and my niece Lindsay won most colorful.

And then there was Best Overall!!

Yes - I won. Notice my crown!! I think they were a little jealous and said it might have been rigged. I don't really know what they are talking about. So what if my daughters were the judges!! :) They know a good cookie when they eat one!!


johnson said...

Could you have possibly any more awful pictures of me? They make me look like a big blob. :( Jillian and I might meet sooner than Feb. 1!!!!

Nonnas News said...

What great fun!! Congratulations on winning the best overall!! LOL I love your crown!

Seitzs Stories said...

Tina won "family favorite." I wish I would have taken some cookies home with me...yummy. :)