Monday, January 18, 2010

Happenings . . .

Last Wednesday I was summoned to keep a sick grandchild. Chandler had a stomach bug on Tuesday and was still not back to feeling tip top on Wednesday so I kept him. He must have gotten some new Uno cards for Christmas and he wanted to play!! He sometimes has his own set of rules for certain games but he is always fun!!

Robert and I went back on Friday after school for the weekend. Britni and I ran some errands Saturday morning and then Chandler had a basketball game at noon. His little team won. Yea, Fire!!

Afterwards we met Steven and Kylie and Trevor, Erin and Noah at Chuy's for lunch. Chuy's is a very good Mexican food restaurant. Try it sometime. Also Robert's niece and her family, Lisa, David, Taylor and Casey - were there and a former student of Robert and mine. Robert's niece and family were in town for a swim competition. Casey competed in a swim meet and won several medals!! Our former student, Robert lives in the area and is a teacher. It was great seeing him and catching up. And I didn't take my camera in Chuy's so no pictures. :(

We did not get to see Trevor and his family during Christmas so after lunch we went back to Britni's to visit and let the kids open gifts. Chandler and Noah played, Rainey took a nap and the rest of us watched some football and the Aggie basketball game.

Then we played Taboo and had pizza. If you haven't tried this game it is pretty fun.

Before we left on Sunday I tried to get a picture of Chandler and Rainey but they are too busy being silly to cooperate. I got this one decent one out of about 10. :)

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