Monday, January 4, 2010

Fish Stick Assembly Line

Several years ago I came across a recipe that my family fell in love with. I got it from a teacher I taught with and she called them "easy cheese blintzes". I am sure you have had them - they are made with bread rolled out flat with a cream cheese mixture spread on each bread slice and then the slices are rolled and dipped in melted butter and then in a cinnamon/sugar mixture. I first made them for our family Christmas get together a few years back and my husband and brothers ate them up!!! Because of the size and color - my brothers called them fish sticks.

I made them for the next several get togethers or family reunions or whatever. The boys would always ask if I was bringing "fish sticks". Because there are several steps in the process it takes a little time to make them by yourself so I refused to make them unless I had help. My girls and husband started helping with the process with someone cutting off the crusts and the others rolling out the bread or dipping it in the butter. I have not made them for several years but decided I would do them again for our Rainey Family Christmas this year. We had the assembly line going strong with Chuck cutting the crusts,

and Robert rolling the bread out flat.

Once Chuck finished the crusts he came over and started rolling each piece after I was done with the spreading.

Then Britni would dip them in the melted butter and then shake them around in a bowl of cinnamon and sugar and place them on a cookie sheet.

With all of this good help, we were done in no time at all!!! The family that assembles together - eats fish sticks together. LOL

1 comment:

Nonnas News said...

I have made those several times and my family loves them too!1 Im like you though, its a lot of work for just one person!