Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Kiss Cookies

Chandler got to stay with us for a couple of days this week. Around noon on Monday we went to pick up Robert's mother, Jeanell. His brother-in-law, Travis, flew her to Mt. Pleasant and of course I didn't have my camera but Chandler sat in the pilot's seat and Uncle Travis showed him some different things and put the headphones on him. We visited for a few minutes and then we watched Travis take off-headed back home. We then went to eat at El Chico's.

Later in the afternoon Chandler and I had to make our traditional "Kiss Cookies". Chandler likes to unwrap the kisses and roll the cookie dough. (Check out those beautiful long eyelashes!!!)

He is pretty good at it and doesn't eat THAT many kisses!! :) I was working on the cookie dough and when I looked to check on Chandler I noticed that several of the kisses were missing the pointed tips. Hmmmm???

Chandler is the master "kisser". He wants to place all the kisses on the cookies. Great-grandmother, Mimi, watches the progress.

I had some candy corn left over so Chandler concocted his own version.

He thought it was petty good so the next batch he did another one for him and one for me. :) What a sweetheart!!

1 comment:

Nonnas News said...

Fun memories being made!! You and your family have a great Christmas!!