Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas Day

The grandchildren kept sleeping and we were all up waiting for them to come downstairs. I finally woke them up. Sleepy head!!

Rainey went and laid down under grandad's chair. She was a bit shy about the whole thing.

Little bit early for Kylie, Steven and Austin, Chuck and Britni too!!

They finally started digging in their stockings.

Now this is what I am talking about!!

Chandler is really telling his daddy something important!!!

Chandler and Rainey were so excited!! They must have been really good this year because Santa brought lots of goodies!!

After opening gifts, we ate breakfast. Then Rainey and Chandler tried out Rainey's new cleaning set!!

Rainey was worn out after that and had to take a break with Uncle Austin. She has to have that pink blanket with her at all times!! Then she gets the tag and rubs her eye or eyelashes with it.

Rainey loves bandaides so I wrapped up a box for her!! She puts them on and then whines around like she is really injured!! Such a drama queen!!

We had a great day and I am thankful for so many blessings!! Most importantly that we can celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour!!!

1 comment:

AMY said...

Fun day! Send Chandler and Rainey my way with her new cleaning set ;)