Monday, October 19, 2009

Go Big Blue!!

Early Saturday morning Robert and I headed out to watch Chandler play basketball. We got there late so I was furiously digging my camera out of the bag as soon as I got in the door. Right after I took this shot Chandler stole the ball and dribbled down and scored. I was obviously too excited to get the camera refocused to get shots of the score!! :(

Here is Chandler's #1 fan!!

After the game we headed back to Chuck and Britni's to get changed before heading to the pumpkin farm. We had to have a little play time first. Chandler loves Legos and is really good at building things. Engineer maybe??!! :)

Then we had to do a little cooking.

Checking the burner. ;)

Umm,umm good!!

Next stop - the Big Orange Pumpkin Farm!

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