Monday, August 10, 2009


We had a family get together at our house on Saturday complete with a Wii bowling tournament. Here is one of the contestants, Tim - my brother-in-law.

These were the finalists and Kristie did represent the ladies well and won the tournament. :)

Here are a few of the spectators. My nephew, Dylan . . .

. . .my brother, Steve; nephew, Taylor, Austin; sister, Ann and niece, Lindsay.

We had fun eating, bowling and swimming.

Britni and her children spent the night. We went to Sunday school the next morning and then came home to get Austin packed and ready to head back after 4 very short days at home!! He had some time to visit friends here and help his dad in the yard. It is so strange and quiet without Austin at home. Here are few pics we took before he left. This one reminds me of Kylie when she was little - having a tantrum. LOL Chandler would not let Rainey have a turn on the tractor plus - she needed a nap!!

She finally got her turn.

My two favorite men. :)

Bye, bye, Uncle Austin. Wuv you!!


johnson said...

That last picture is so sweet!!!

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful family!

Nonnas News said...

I just recently bought a Wii for the family to use when we are all together. We have already played "The Price is Right" it was fun!