Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Where has the summer gone???

Just like the dandelion seeds blowing across my blog page - so are the days of summer!! We have been crazy busy this summer with moving Steven and Kylie to the Dallas area, keeping grandkids, celebrating birthdays, moving Austin to college, celebrating birthdays, Camp Granna, moving Britni, Chuck, Chandler and Rainey to their new house, celebrating birthdays. And did I mention moving people places and celebrating birthdays??? Gosh - that is all we have done!!! We all seem to have our birthdays in the summer and we have a few more in August to celebrate. And then if we are not moving Britni and Chuck somewhere then something is wrong!! Hopefully they will be here for a long while!!! Their new home is beautiful and the kids are really enjoying it.

So therefore I have not had much time to blog - or do anything else!! Plus the fact that our Internet service stinks!!! Hopefully we figured out some of the problems and we now have a better signal. I have lots of pics I need to post and I need to tell you all about Camp Granna!! Ciao- for now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Y'all have been BUSY! I can't wait to see photos and hear about Camp Granna.