Thursday, April 22, 2010

Aggie Moms Boutique and tent sale, tent sale, tent sale

Last weekend Britni, Kylie, Chandler and Rainey and I left out at 5:30 a.m. headed south. It was parents' weekend in Aggieland. Whoop!! We went to Aggie Moms' Boutique where you can find anything and everything Aggie!! From Christmas ornaments, to t-shirts, to quilts - you name it, they probably had it. Also different businesses have tent sales and I think we hit all of them. I think there were 5. If you don't know - a tent sale is where they set up a big tent and have a sale. :) They have t-shirts, shorts, jerseys, mugs, bags, etc - all Aggie of course.

As we were leaving Aggie Mom's Boutique, a couple of students were handing out flyers about the variety show that evening. Britni asked if Freudian Slip would be the emcee. Freudian Slip is an improvisational comedy troupe on campus whose purpose is to learn, teach, and perform, the art of improvisation for the students of Texas A&M University, the Bryan/College Station Area, the State of Texas and beyond. Got that from the website. :) They are really good. The girl said - "I've never heard of them." My girls were crushed. You know they have only been gone from A&M for a few years. We got in the car and Kylie googled it on her phone and found out that A&M does still have the improv group so all was still right with the world at A&M.

We also walked around campus and reminisced. While Rainey was getting a diaper change - Chandler entertained Kylie and I with this empty poster frame.

This is the Century Tree. The Century Tree is located in the heart of campus. More than 100 years of age, the tree, a live oak, was one of the first trees planted on Texas A&M's campus. The tree has been the site of numerous marriage proposals, weddings and tourist snapshots because of its immense size and its unique drooping branches, many of which rest on the ground. Tradition has it that if you walk under the tree with your special someone - you are destined to be married. This is where Chuck proposed to Britni.

And these 2 little sweetie pies are the result of that proposal!!

She just wanted to give him a kiss!!

This is a statue of Earl Rudder. He was the 16th president of the university. There are several things named in honor of Rudder including an auditorium and a fountain.

This is the "fish pond". After an Aggie victory, the yell leaders are carried by corps members to the pond and thrown into the water.

These were taken at the H2O fountain - named such because it is in the shape of a water molecule.

This is the Sullivan Ross statue. Sul Ross was a former governor and president of Texas A&M. It's a tradition at Texas A&M for students to place pennies at "Sully's" feet for good luck on exams.

This sculpture is called "shaping the future".

And then there is the replica of the Aggie ring.

Chandler looks so old.

Rainey was having a major meltdown. Stayed up too late the night before, up too early and no nap!!!

I thought these flowers were really pretty - and so is my baby girl!

And of course we went to most of our favorite eating places - Koppe Bridge for the best hamburgers; Freebirds - great burritos; Double Dave's for awesome pepperoni pizza rolls and you know it - Raising Cane's Chicken Fingers!!!

We had a great trip but came home worn out!!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Music Rocks!!

Especially if your grandson is in the program. :) I went last Friday evening to watch the 1st grade music sharing at Chandler's school. Each class did a song and used different instruments. They were really good!!

On Friday mornings they have Bulldog Boogie where students are recognized for different things and then they sing the school song at the end - which is Bulldog Boogie. At the end of the music program on Friday evening all the 1st graders sang their school song. They were so cute.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks??

Or at least old teachers. Last week I got to observe my little girl teaching. Britni does a program called the Daily 5 and I am interested in doing it with my class but I wanted to see it in action so some of my colleagues and I went last week to watch Britni. I now have a better understanding of Daily 5 and we came home with lots of great ideas to incorporate in to our classrooms. It was fun watching my daughter teach. She did a great job but we could tell she was so nervous.

Here is my little teacher!!

Teaching the "old dogs" some new tricks. LOL

Me and my sweet girl!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

He is risen indeed!!

I enjoyed the weekend with the girls and their families! Austin was stuck in Lubbock. Robert and I had doctor appointments on Friday so we went on Thursday evening and spent the night at Britni's. We had dinner with both girls, sons-in-law and grandkids. After the doctor visit we brought the grands home with us. The parentals came Friday evening and spent the night. On Saturday morning Robert told me to come look and this is what I saw. They were just watching cartoons!! Sweet babies!!

Chandler and Rainey got a new puppy. He is pretty cute. He is a Sheltie named Sarge. Yes - it is an Aggie thing.

Kylie and Steve got here on Saturday - a little after lunch. We grilled hamburgers for lunch and then hunted Easter eggs.

We spent some time outside since it was so nice!! Chandler and Rainey (and Olsen) enjoyed a little pool time (water was freezing!!!) and a little . . .

. . . chocolate!! Oh yeah!!

Then Britni and family went to the other granny's house for the night. The rest of us went to eat dinner with my brother and sisters and families. Yes - we went to eat fish again. This time we went to A.J.'s on the lake.

On Sunday morning we went to church and then I tried to take some pics of the grands but Chandler was done with the picture taking as you can tell!!!

Rainey was determined to sit in Chandler's lap. LOL

After lunch Kylie and I sat outside and enjoyed the beautiful weather. All too soon they had to leave and Robert and I were back to the grind today!!